The PHP Ninja series will be covering various issues that might be classified both as simple or advanced, and the main idea behind it, is to provide a quick shortcut or an easier learning curve for PHP and Web Developers in general to grasp some new coding concepts, improve their code quality, avoid bad-practices and avoid making the infamous Spaghetti-Coding source-codes, which is unfortunately very common among PHP developers, not only that but also the topics will vary between implementing and/or deploying to some pf the most used services like Amazon’s AWS, Facebook’s APIs, YouTube, Twitter and you’ve got the idea.
The reason behind this was triggered when I was hired on a recent project to improve a previously written code that had to deal with a lot of XML data and files, and they ended up by taking the whole server down whenever they ran few queries to retrieve some simple data.
I checked the code, and it was horrendous, disastrous, catastrophic, and shameful to be shared in your portfolio, let alone it was made for a big international company that has branches in several countries around the world, all of them and their clients will be requesting data on a daily basis, where no downtown is allowed, and no unjustifiable latency is ok’ed.
The point here will be that I’ll try to provide most of the errors I’ve come through either in my early days, or what I’ve seen in other people’s code, and how to outcome that, how to deal with and implement the latest techniques in your code, and how to make your code cleaner, neater, faster, and more optimized.
That’s all I can say about the series, so make sure to check it out and share it if you like it or learned from it. If you’re an agency hiring developers, make sure your next developer won’t be making the pitfalls we’ll be speaking about here.